Corny O'Connell: Big World and The Bottom Line

Corny O'Connell's t-shirt collection (photo courtesy of the author)
Are your band T-shirts a part of your pandemic work/weekend/constant wardrobe? In our new "Concert TBTee" series every Thursday, we're asking the FUV airstaff to dig through their drawers for the concert and band T-shirts that mean the most to them and why.
The only T-shirt that I've ever bought from a band or musician is from Joe Jackson. I remember liking the artwork on the front. On the back it says, "Big World Tour '86." Yes, that's when I got it, probably at Radio City Music Hall. It still fits!
The only other T-shirt that I got to show my fandom was for Steve Martin. I was actually a member of the Steve Martin Fan Club, but I probably got the T-shirt in 1978 at what was the Garden State Arts Center. My friends and I were among those, way in the back, for whom Steve did his “magic dime trick.”
There’s also a T-shirt that I got as a memento of all the fond memories I have of seeing shows at The Bottom Line. I got the T-shirt long after that Greenwich Village club closed when Paul Shaffer led a tribute show to the venue. So, even though I wear T-shirts all the time, you won’t find the rock band variety in my dresser. I simply don’t have room with my WFUV T-shirts taking up all the space!