Courtney Barnett: 2015

Whether sputtering out sabre-sharp bon mots in blistering garage rockers like "Pedestrian At Best" or narrating, with the weary rumination of a chronic insomniac, the late-night spirals of her mind ("An Illustration of Loneliness (Sleepless in NY)"), Courtney Barnett is not just an accomplished singer and songwriter, but a contemporary portraitist of her generation. The Melbourne-based Barnett's debut album, Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Something I Just Sit, (which was our New Dig upon its release) is the work of a keenly observant artist with a busy mind and an irreverent sense of humor; there's a real streak of Amy Schumer-style punchlines lurking in Barnett's witty ripostes.
Yet Barnett brings a refreshing poignancy and humanity to everything she writes too and it's that slightly shy, soft-spoken songwriter who visited Studio A last fall to preview her debut album for us. It happened to be long before the record had been officially announced, and she revealed the title for us, at that time, in a cautiously charming whisper.
In addition to playing two brand new songs— "Pedestrian At Best" (which she also performed at the Public Radio Rocks Day Stage showcase at SXSW) and "Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party"—Barnett discussed the relaxed pace she chose for recording and releasing her debut, the challenges of running her own record label, and subtle shades of activism in some of her lyrics.
[recorded: 10/22/14]
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