The Feuerman Family Studio

The Feuerman Family
We are indebted to the Feuerman Family, who have made a pace-setting investment in WFUV, with their recent seven-figure commitment. As a result, we were delighted to dedicate the Feuerman Family Studio on Saturday, May 11, 2019, and to host a special concert featuring Joan Osborne.
To give you a sense of the importance of this commitment: It is the largest gift WFUV has received to date in its 72-year history, and the second-largest gift made among the 20 radio stations that share our music format.
This gift is particularly important to the station in that the bulk of it goes toward an unrestricted endowment -- something that is sought-after by non-profits, yet is often challenging to secure. We think it says a lot that Kurt and his family saw the importance of preserving WUV’s future; it shows their confidence in our mission, our programming, and our leadership.
Also, we love that this is a true family affair, covering three generations, in that Kurt was a longtime Advisory Board member, and Will was recently voted onto the Advisory Board. And we look forward to six-year-old Mia’s involvement down the road!