G Flip: 2018

G Flip in Studio A (photo by Gus Philippas/WFUV)
Georgia Flipo hails from Australia and goes by the moniker G Flip. FUV first ran into her back in March at SXSW (as did most of the world) as she played her very first live shows in Austin and did a mini-session for us too at Hotel San José.
I was immediately impressed by her command of the stage and the catchiness of her songs, led by her first single “About You.” For this full session for FUV Live, I spoke with Flipo about those first shows, her music background, and the creation of her now-famous "living" drum kit.
Listen to that conversation and watch some really fun live performances of "Killing My Time" and the song that started it all, “About You.”
[recorded: 5/14/18]