The House That Jack Built

Little Red Lighthouse (Michael Schedler)
by Paul Cavalconte | 10/18/2024 | 5:00am

Little Red Lighthouse (Michael Schedler)

You've heard of Rocktober, but what about Archtober? It's a month-long festival of New York City's architecture with lectures, films and architecture-themed boat tours. Plus, this weekend is Open House New York, a citywide festival inviting you to explore Gotham's infrastructure, rooftop gardens, historic houses and more. Let's get in on the action with songs about buildings and architecture. We'll construct a set after 9 a.m.

Songs played:
Aretha Franklin, "The House That Jack Built"
Talking Heads, "Houses in Motion"
CSNY, "Our House"
Madness, "Our House"

Category: #Question of the Day
The Public.

Elevator Repair Service presents GATZ: Not a retelling of The Great Gatsby, but an enactment of the entire novel, startlingly brought to life, word for word.

Elevator Repair Service presents GATZ

Weekdays at Noon

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