Kim Gordon: 2019

Kim Gordon (photo by Natalia Mantini/courtesy of the artist)
Kim Gordon's No Home Record is a tough, sexy album and it sounds exactly like what you'd expect from her solo debut, after three decades spent in her former band, Sonic Youth.
Often dissonant, occasionally menacing, and never boring, Gordon's new album provides squalls of guitar along with her icy cool vocals. She works up a drum machine on a pair of tunes and bass on another. The minimalist, jagged soundscape leaves plenty of space and creates different moods, mostly dark. Her impressionistic lyrics leave a lot of room for interpretation about the nature of art, capitalism, and consumerism.
No Home Record and Gordon's visual art were two subjects that came up in a quick phone chat I had with her just after the album's release. So for the audio, listen in the player above, and for the visual, visit New York's 303 Gallery, located at 555 West 21st Street, for an exhibit of Gordon's art from January 10 through February 22, 2020.
[Recorded: 10/17/19; Producer: Sarah Wardrop]