Low Cut Connie: Rockwood Music Hall 2018

Low Cut Connie
by Paul Cavalconte | 07/23/2018 | 12:00am

Low Cut Connie

Low Cut Connie is the kind of band you hear once and say, “Where have you been all of my life?”

Reality is, as good as the band’s recordings are, they are best experienced live, and a captive crowd at Rockwood Music Hall on the Lower East Side got the full treatment in an up-close space.

Frontman Adam Weiner wants to be intimate with you. He’s not on a glass-housed rock star trip. When he climbs on the piano and plays it with his hands and feet, when he leaps into the audience and serial-hugs all who are receptive, you feel the evangelical energy of Low Cut Connie.

Can rock and roll save souls? Sixty years on, can rock reinvent, to paraphrase Low Cut Connie fan (and Weiner's inspiration) Elton John? You betcha. For Low Cut Connie, livin’ the dream is living the duality of workaday musician life, where long drives between local gigs are punctuated by an invitation to visit "The Boss" backstage at his Broadway show. There are dead-of-night long distance wakeup calls from Sir Elton, and even making the playlist at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Stay tuned to learn which recent POTUS added a Connie track to a Presidential Spotify list. Hint: he did not tweet about it.)

So, is Low Cut Connie early rock and roll, reinvented for the 21st century? Does Little Richard meet Iggy Pop, conceptually, in the personage of Adam Weiner and his bar band buddies from deep south Jersey? Here’s your chance to find out!

P.S.: The photos tell quite a story! Check the WFUV Flickr stream.


  • All These Kids Are Way Too High
  • Boozophilia
  • Death and Destruction
  • Dirty Water
  • Shake It Little Tina
  • Beverly
  • Revolution Rock n Roll
  • Oh Suzanne
  • Hey Little Child
  • Rio
  • Controversy

[recorded: 6/26/18]

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