Patty Griffin: 2019

Patty Griffin in Studio A (photo by Dan Tuozzoli/WFUV)
Patty Griffin turns her focus inward with her new self-titled album. She has always told stories in her songs, rich with character detail and from a personal point of view. However, recent life changes and her choice to record the album in her home, have made these new songs Griffin's most personal yet.
In our conversation, Griffin told me about getting through a breast cancer scare and working with a changing vocal quality. She reflects on her life story of growing up poor, working as a waitress, and more. The songs are deep and lyrically rewarding and you'll hear three of them performed in Studio A by Griffin and two of her longtime friends: multi-instrumentalist Conrad Choucroun and guitarist David Pulkingham, whose guitar flourishes are a key element of the songs.
[Recorded: 4/5/19; Engineer: Jim O'Hara; Producer: Sarah Wardrop]