Question of the Day: Short Songs

It's WFUV's shortened member drive. We're trying to raise the money we need in a shorter amount of time. Please take a couple of minutes to make a contribution here or call 877-938-8907. And please share a short song in the comments below. We'll spin a set after 9am.
Here's what we played:
"And We Bid You Goodnight" by Grateful Dead 0:36
"Her Majesty" by The Beatles 0:23
"Mercedes Benz" by Janis Joplin 1:45
"Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths 1:50
"Rave On" by Buddy Holly 1:47
"Mystery Dance" by Elvis Costello 1:35
"Fell in Love with a Girl" by The White Stripes 1:47
"It's Not Unusual" by Tom Jones 1:58