Rhiannon Giddens: 2019

Rhiannon Giddens in Studio A (photo by Dan Tuozzoli/WFUV)
Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi are both accomplished musicians in their own right. Giddens is part of the Grammy-winning Carolina Chocolate Drops and also has an acclaimed solo career. Turrisi is well known in the jazz world as a multi-instrumentalist with a knack for improvisation.
The duo's collaborative album, There Is No Other, aims to dismantle an “us versus them” mentality. The music they’ve created beautifully blends together, blurring genres and nationalities. It highlights similarities rather than differences.
During this episode of FUV Live, I talk with Giddens and Turrisi about There Is No Other (which was many years in the making), and we’ll also hear live performances of "Pizzica di San Vito," "Little Margaret," and "Ten Thousand Voices."
[Recorded: 5/2/19; Engineer: Chris Russo; Producer: Sarah Wardrop]