Take Five with The Alternate Side: Two Gallants

Fridays on FUV, Take Five with The Alternate Side. This week: Two Gallants.
Two Gallants is back after a five year hiatus with a new album, The Bloom and The Blight, and a new record label, ATO. Singer/guitarist Adam Stephens and drummer/vocalist Tyson Vogel might have had good experiences with their other projects, but the lifelong friends have a special camaraderie that's evident in their music and album artwork (a photo of the pair as kids graces the record's front cover).
Two Gallants kicked off a tour of the States this week in Bellingham, Washington with Future Twin and head to Australia in February. No Houston, Texas shows slated on this road trip; Stephens and Vogel discussed in detail with The Alternate Side's Alisa Ali about their harrowing — and infamous — experience with an over-zealous police officer in October 2006, a situation which ended up with Vogel in jail for a day.
Watch Two Gallants' Studio A performance of "My Love Won't Wait" above, and head to The Alternate Side to read interview highlights and see more in-studio video, including a spanking new, untitled song as well as other selections from The Bloom and The Blight.