Question of the Day

Join us weekday mornings with your response to the WFUV Question of the Day.

Play Ball!

April 04, 2016|Corny O'Connell

The New York Yankees home opener against the Houston Astros has been postponed until tomorrow. The Mets lost their season...

Covering David Bowie

April 01, 2016|Corny O'Connell

Last night various artists and bands paid tribute to David Bowie by performing his songs at Carnegie Hall. The tribute...

Horn Sections

March 31, 2016|Corny O'Connell

It's Herb Alpert's 81st birthday. Alpert is best-known for playing trumpet and leading Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass. He...


March 30, 2016|Corny O'Connell

It's National Doctors' Day - a day to recognize the contributions of our physicians. Let's do that with songs mentioning...


March 29, 2016|Corny O'Connell

The term "Lady" can be infused with meaning, depending on the context. For our purposes, let's put it in the context of a...


March 28, 2016|Corny O'Connell

The New York Times reminds us today that Harry Houdini would have turned 142 this month. In recognition of that, let's...



March 25, 2016|Paul Cavalconte

Good Friday Morning!

Paul For Corny. It's a Friday of reflection, and looking forward to Easter weekend and the rebirth of...

Steve McQueen courtesy Flickr

Who's Cooler?!

March 24, 2016|Paul Cavalconte

Question Of The Day: Who's Cooler?!

Today is the birthday anniversary of iconic actor Steve McQueen.  He continues to be a...

Damon Albarn

Favorite Sides?

March 23, 2016|Paul Cavalconte

Good Morning! Paul here for Corny with the Question Of The Day: What are your Favorite Sides?

Fries? Slaw? Gorillaz?



Do You TWEET?!

March 21, 2016|Paul Cavalconte

Good Morning! Paul For Corny on this first full day of spring! Are those tweeting birds, or the tenth anniversary of TWITTER...