Question of the Day

Join us weekday mornings with your response to the WFUV Question of the Day.

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"Bad" Songs

June 27, 2014|Corny O'Connell

We've seen an assortment of bad behavior this week: disrupting a Broadway musical, biting an opposing soccer player, and...

Question of the Day: Songs on Your Cell to Keep Private

June 26, 2014|Corny O'Connell

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police cannot search your cellphone without a warrant. So all those embarrassing...

"Song" Songs

June 25, 2014|Corny O'Connell

It was on this date in 2014 that Corny O'Connell asked his listeners for songs that have "song" in the title. In recognition...

Corny O'Connell

Piano Songs?

June 24, 2014|Corny O'Connell

The other day I came across a piano under the Brooklyn Bridge on the Manhattan side. The piano's incongruous presence on the...

Photo by Gus Philippas

Sing-Along Songs

June 23, 2014|Corny O'Connell

We're still floating on the good vibes from this past weekend's Clearwater Festival. In case you missed the the live...

"Black" in the Lyrics

June 20, 2014|Corny O'Connell

Yesterday we asked for "red" songs as WFUV is in the red at the end of our fiscal year. Thanks to the generosity of so many...

"Red" Songs

June 19, 2014|Corny O'Connell

It's time to balance WFUV's books. It's our fiscal year-end. Right now we're in the red, and we need your support to put us...

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Question of the Day: What I Learned from Rock 'n' Roll

June 18, 2014|Corny O'Connell

With the school year coming to a close we can now reflect on what we've learned - specifically what we've learned from rock...

"National" Artist Names

June 17, 2014|Corny O'Connell

WFUV presents The National tonight at 8:15 live from Celebrate Brooklyn. That got us to thinking of bands and artists that...

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Lyrics That Send You to the Dictionary

June 16, 2014|Corny O'Connell

"Lazaretto" the title track to Jack White's latest release had me checking the dictionary for its definition (an institution...